family of 3 with their dog in a vehicle

Life Insurance

Protect the people who depend on YOU

What would happen to your family if you were to die prematurely? Would they be able to maintain their current lifestyle? Would your kids be able to go to college? Would your spouse be able to shoulder the load with one income? If you have a child, are married, or carry any kind of debt, purchasing life insurance is a no-brainer.

Purchasing life insurance made easy!

At Infuze Credit Union, we make the process of buying life insurance extremely simple.

With our partnership with the Credit Union Insurance Agency (CUIA)1, we have access to a wide range of life insurance companies, so we can survey the marketplace and, based on your individual rating criteria, find the best possible life insurance policy at the best price.

When purchasing life insurance, there are a few things to consider. Do you want Term Life Insurance or Whole Life?

If you don't understand the difference, that's okay. That's what we're here for.

Life insurance is based on two main variables — your age and your health.

A mistake that we often see people make is basing their life insurance coverage on a guess, or just grabbing a number out of thin air without realizing what the impact of inflation could have on their life insurance proceeds.

One of the benefits of working with an independent agent like us is that we can sit down, and through a comprehensive needs analysis, determine the exact amount of coverage you will need to protect the people who depend on you.

The amount of coverage you need depends on a number of different variables. Here are a few examples:

  • how many children you have
  • your future earnings potential
  • whether or not you're married
  • spouses future earnings potential
  • you and your spouses age
  • amount of debt you have
1The Credit Union Insurance Agency, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Members Resource LLC, a Credit Union Service Organization. Business conducted with the Credit Union Insurance Agency, LLC is separate and distinct from any business conducted with Members Resource LLC, its parent Credit Union or its partner Credit Unions. Insurance products offered by the Credit Union Insurance Agency, LLC are not (i) deposits of Members Resource LLC, its parent Credit Union or its partner Credit Unions, therefore are not protected by the NCUA and are not exclusive to Credit Union members and (ii) an obligation of or guaranteed by Members Resource LLC, its parent Credit Union or its partner Credit Unions and may be subject to risk. Any insurance required as a condition of an extension of credit by Members Resource LLC, its parent Credit Union or its partner Credit Unions need not be purchased from Credit Union Insurance Agency, LLC and may be purchased from an agent or insurance company of the member’s choice.

Endless Possibilities

Apply online today and you can have your money today so you can focus on what really matters.

  • Low Rates: Rates starting at 9.14% APR*
  • Flexible: Borrow as little as $200
  • Easy: Sign loan document online
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Young family at a river shore line.