Get shielded with Umbrella Insurance
Life can be unpredictable and as much as we plan for the best, sometimes the worst can happen.
If you were found negligent or liable for someone else’s bodily injury or death, would you have enough insurance to protect your assets? Umbrella insurance provides you with additional coverage that goes above and beyond to protect your assets.
Real-life examples
- Your dog bites a neighbor's child.
- Fire at your condo spreads to other units.
- Accident at your rental property.
- Severe auto accident with damage to multiple vehicles and severe injuries.
If you don’t have enough coverage, and in a world where medical expenses are skyrocketing, it only makes sense to think about purchasing Umbrella insurance.
1The Credit Union Insurance Agency, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Members Resource LLC, a Credit Union Service Organization. Business conducted with the Credit Union Insurance Agency, LLC is separate and distinct from any business conducted with Members Resource LLC, its parent Credit Union or its partner Credit Unions. Insurance products offered by the Credit Union Insurance Agency, LLC are not (i) deposits of Members Resource LLC, its parent Credit Union or its partner Credit Unions, therefore are not protected by the NCUA and are not exclusive to Credit Union members and (ii) an obligation of or guaranteed by Members Resource LLC, its parent Credit Union or its partner Credit Unions and may be subject to risk. Any insurance required as a condition of an extension of credit by Members Resource LLC, its parent Credit Union or its partner Credit Unions need not be purchased from Credit Union Insurance Agency, LLC and may be purchased from an agent or insurance company of the member’s choice.
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